2020-04-22 16:36:57
The Yod-Ying Protocol
BVRC research influentially extended from common microbes to life-threatening illnesses such as HIV, bird flus, and then to chronic dis-eases i.e. kidney insufficiency, kidney failure, degenerative disorders, and to many forms and stages of cancers. Altogether, the efficacious super-vaccine, along with the high potency phytochemicals, as well as the exceptionally restorative biomarker peptides became the solid foundation of medicinal extracts used to help patients with various lethal illnesses within BVRC.
Not only that the very high-potency medicinals had been developed very extensively by Dr. Yod-Ying. He also intelligently implemented a carefully thought-through, well proved holistic protocol to help alleviate pathological manifestations and find relief for his patients. Dr. Yod-Ying incorporated his deep knowledge in advanced immunology and medical biochemistry to create a science of contemporary functional medical approach in his therapy. His analysis of blood chemistry and laboratory testings was one of a kind, intellectually in-depth and comprehensive. This has led to a very accurate diagnosis of biochemical malfunctioning, thus an effectiveness in treatment outcomes.
Together with his profound compassion to help relief patient sufferings, his excellence in intelligently developed approach, so called The Yod-Ying Protocol has saved over a thousand lives of terminally ill patients over his 2 decades of exceptional devotion.